Pete Launches February Half Term and Easter 2023 Cricket Camps in Ripon , North Yorkshire

For details of Pete’s spring half term and summer camps at Rainton CC click here. For February half term and Easter camps read on.
Pete is delighted to announce that he will again run cricket camps during school holidays in February half term and in the Easter break, all in the sports hall at Ripon Grammar School, Clotherholme Road, HG4 2DG. Pete had fabulous feedback from last year’s camps – some of the comments can be seen here.
The days will run from 10am to 3pm and will be open to children from min age 6 up to age 14. They will be held on the following dates:
February half term – Thursday 16 February 2023
Easter break – Tues/Weds/Thurs 11/12/13 April 2023
Bookings are ONLINE ONLY as set out below. Payment can be made by debit/credit card or by Apple Pay.
Existing customers please note – for ease you need only complete the questions marked with a red asterisk, unless any of the other details have changed in which case please answer all questions.
If you have any questions all please feel free to drop Pete an e-mail at or call him on 07732 952409.