Happy children after Pete’s cricket coaching and fun days in Ripon at Easter

Happy children after Pete’s cricket coaching and fun days in Ripon at Easter
Happy children after Pete’s cricket coaching and fun days in Ripon at Easter

“Oscar really enjoyed the session today – he is looking forward to the next one!” said his Mum Andrea Hardcastle after he attended one of Pete’s coaching and fun days in Ripon.

“Freddie had a great day! Thanks Pete.” said his Mum Helen Mortimer.

Pete’s next junior cricket coaching and fun days will be at Rainton CC near Thirsk at summer half term and after that during the main summer holiday, also at Rainton CC. Others will held at Upperthong CC, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire – also at summer half term and after that during the main summer holiday.

All dates to be announced early in April. E-mail PETE@PETERKEIGHLEYCRICKETCOACHING.CO.UK to be advised directly of the dates as soon as they are announced.

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