

Pete is available to coach in primary schools in the Thirsk/Northallerton area in North Yorkshire. In addition, Pete also runs  his own cricket camps during the school holidays. There is excellent parental and school feedback detailed on the Testimonials page.

Pete is now working/has worked with a variety of coaches and organisations including Ripley CC, the Yorkshire Cricket Board, the Ryan Sidebottom Cricket Academy and the Andrew Flintoff Cricket Academy, and from ages 5 to 17; beginners to more experienced. Pete also works on a part time basis for the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation as Coach, Tutor and Stadium Tour Guide for its Cricket in the Classroom course based at the Yorkshire CCC headquarters at Headingley. Pete also started and runs the junior section at Rainton CC, between Thirsk and Ripon.

Primary school work is or has been undertaken since 2015 within primary schools in the Thirsk and Northallerton area at Pickhill, South Kilvington, South Otterington, Alverton School in Northallerton, Marton cum Grafton  and Carlton Miniott. These can be cricket PE sessions for PPA cover, PE sessions funded by the PE Sports Premium, or to run Pete’s popular after school clubs.

Pete also undertakes specific coaching for schools and preparation for Regional Kwik Cricket and Drax Cup competitions.

Pete runs very popular school holiday cricket camps and fun days for ages 6 to 14 throughout the year. These are held at Rainton CC in spring and summer. They run from 10am until 3pm each day.

During autumn and winter Pete runs indoor cricket camps and fun days during the school holidays in the sports hall at Ripon Grammar School, North Yorkshire. These run from 10am until 3pm each day.

Details of these camps will always be on Pete’s News and Courses page. Pete does not undertake one to one coaching.

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