2021 Summer Holiday Cricket Camps at Rainton Cricket Club, between Thirsk and Ripon, North Yorkshire
Pete is delighted to launch his 2021 school summer holiday junior cricket coaching camps to be held at Rainton Cricket Club, Carr Lane, Rainton, Thirsk YO7 3PS. Rainton is between Thirsk and Ripon in North Yorkshire. There will be fun drills, games, nets and matches. Each day will run from 10am until 3pm.
Some camps are already full however Pete is running a waiting list for these so please feel free to contact him at any stage to have your child’s name added to the list.
The camps will be held on:
Mon/Tues 12/13 July – This is a HARD BALL ball camp ONLY. All players must have their own full protective gear and be used to playing hard ball cricket. £49 for the two days. A booking fee of £2 will apply. Refunds/cancellations for this camp will be allowed only if Pete is subsequently able to fill the camp after the cancellation. Maximum age 14.
The following camps will cater for both soft and hard ball players:
Tues/Weds/Thurs 3/4/5 Aug
Weds/Thurs/Fri 11/12/13 Aug
Tues/Weds/Thurs 17/18/19 Aug
Tues/Weds/Thurs 24/25/26 Aug
Bookings are initially open for ALL of the days of each camp only.
They will be for ages 5 to 14. The cost for each three day camp is £73. A booking fee of £2 will apply. Government/NHS guidance re Covid will be complied with.
On 29 July a small number of single day places were made available, for the 3/4/5 August camp only, at a cost of £24 plus a £1 booking fee.
Bookings are ONLINE ONLY. When you get to the payment page it may appear at first sight that PayPal is the only payment option however this is not the case – if you scroll down that page a little further you can click on the grey “Pay by Debit/Credit Card” box and make payment by card.
Existing customers please note – for ease you need only complete the questions marked with a red asterisk, unless any of the other details have changed in which case please answer all questions.
If you have any questions all please feel free to drop Pete an e-mail at pete@peterkeighleycricketcoaching.co.uk or call him on 07732 952409.